Wednesday 6 June 2012

Happy Birthday GlossyBox!

Noble Isle - Summer Rising Bath & Shower Gel: I have not yet tried this product for the sole reason of the fact that I'm trying to use up my other shower gel. But after reading reviews online, I'm excited to try it out. But despite that, it does smell really good and so refreshing.
(Full size: £20.00 each)
Lolita Lempicka - L'Eau en Blanc & Eau de Parfum: I must admit, I wasn't as fond of L'Eau en Blanc as I was of Eau de Parfum. It isn't a smell that I'm happy to smell repeatedly (like my Katy Perry: Purr or Beyonce: Heat/ Heat Rush). Although the packaging that it came in was cute and pretty. For Eau de Parfum, it had a light flower like scent.... it gives me a happy feeling smelling it, so I would happily go out and buy it or give to a friend as a gift.
(Full size: £65.00, 100ml each)
Apivita - Express Beauty Masks: Honestly, I've never heard of them, but with the description that it provides, it sounds magnificent. This is a product that I will be trying as soon as I can, because I just love the feeling a face mask leaves once it's been removed.
(Full size: £3.50 per sachet)
Osmo - Berber Oil Hair Treatment: Again, the description makes me excited to try this out!
(Full size: £19.99, 100ml)
HD Brows - Grow Baby Grow: The most expensive product that was in there (because it is a full size and the others were samples) I was excited about this as I know that everyone loves the other products that HD Brows offer. After a few days of using this it, my brows HAVE looked thicker. On the box, it also claims that it can be used on eyelashes, so I give this a whirl, and again, they do look a lot better from how they looked previously. I'll be continuing to use this for as long as the product lasts and will report back on the results that I've seen.
(Full size: From £29.99 per tube)

Over all, I'm pleased with what has been offered, but looking at what other bloggers/youtubers have recieved, I was left wanting what they have. But, hey ho, life goes on :)

What did you guys think of the Birthday box?

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Cosmopolitan Competition

A while ago, I entered a competition on the Cosmopolitan website, just one that was there so I thought "huh, lets just have a go", then went about my merry way. Then once coming come, I found a package on my sofa with a letter stating that I won. YAY! For once I actually won something.
Although you may not think much about it, I never win anything I enter, always hoping to win something.  

From previously experiencing John Frieda products, I've never been completely sold on them. Sheer Blonde Go Blonder. Root Awakening. Never been happy with either of them. BUT, these actually work! After the first wash, I felt that my was softer and I had less spilt ends. Brilliant! I can't think of anything bad to say about it.

The little review aside, I was really happy about winning something, and hope that my luck keeps up!

Happy Tuesday